Friday 19 December 2014


"What is the greatest invention ever?", I asked
"Humans" , was the reply.

'Gods' have always been on our side.They are always there for us, to help us in difficult situations.
They are also surprisingly the main reason why we are still advancing , be it science, technology or anything else.
But how do they do it?How do they help us ? Take a deep breath and think.

From the beginning they have been helping us.They have been showing us the way to success,but, not directly.

Like any other creator,our 'Gods' want us to evolve and become more and more sensible and advanced. But, really ever thought about how did this 'advancing' of ours began?
The only logical answer is "through messengers".
"I can't do it,I just can't. It is impossible!"
"What? Is it impossible to make them stay on a ball of rock floating in the space?"
Who are these so called 'messengers'? Are they aliens? Do they live among us , with us? Are they still here?
No, these messengers are not aliens,they are humans just like us.
Who are they? They are the most creative and innovative people.They are 'one step closer to 'God' than us'.
Yes you read it right.These people are still living here with us on Earth , helping us to change the world and our mindset.
I have found some of them but I still am not sure whether they are really the 'messengers'.
It is easy,think of what Newton did ( Defined 'gravity').It is because of his theories only that we can fly in outer space and around the world.
The most popular example of all- the great Albert Einstein.Think about what he accomplished and provided knowledge to mankind.
Yeah, they are the ' messengers ',you are starting to believe me now, aren't you. Well there are many more great examples of these 'messengers' , just think of one yourself.

Q. So, are these 'messengers' sent by 'God' specially?
Yes Indeed.
"We need to burn them alive!So that these humans can survive!"
"How can we burn them?!"
"There is only one way. Invade their home."

Q. Do these 'messengers' still exist?
Yes they still exist.

Q. Do we know them?
Yes , actually we do.

So,what actually is happening,is that,these 'messengers' are sent to give us humans a way, a way that leads to more possibilities.Possibilities that can change the course of our world.

'No wonder why there is a famous saying "Change yourself first ,if you want to see that change in the world"'.  


The Anti Theory.

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