Tuesday 9 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--Space Agencies?

No, I am not criticizing anything or anyone. I am just sharing what I have found.


'Curosity' - the NASA 's rover sent to mars just snapped a click of a crater in which there is an actual ancient lake!
Its very nice of them to tell us this bit of harmless information.Trust me it is harmless and just like any television series they give us a hope to ponder over the future.
Its just like a boost or a shot given to us ,to remind us that yeah there is a space agency called NASA which has  sent a rover on to the planet Mars which ofcourse is a big deal .
Why do they do this? Have you ever heard from a Russian Space Agency about a discovery or something?
Just like an adrenalin boost you know.
So, anyways i would like to come straight to the point.
Q. Have we humans have come across something extraterrestrial  ?
- Yes.
How can i say that?.Well just think about it.Read from the start again.....yeah it sure has something to do with agencies like NASA etc.

                                               S E C T O R                               S E V E N

(HIDEOUS) What is sector seven?Well its something that we aren't supposed to know . Google it, you will find only LIMITED answers.
If you are looking for all of the answers ,sector seven is the first place that will not only give you a good start but will also complete half of your answer book.
Now, what i have found out is that yes 'aliens' do exist. WE ARE NOT ALONE.I know you may have heard this several times and may even know it but seriously ;we are not alone .
Q. Now, who else is there out there? Monsters ( Like alien typos.. you know)?
- NO.

Whats out there is a magic. Something which can change the history and geography of its planet....someone.. like US.(we are the magic)

What i am trying to say is that all the things (aliens)you may have watched on T.V. may be there out there but most probably if you ever have an encounter with an alien ,it would be most likely a human!

I am not crazy!
Heaven and Hell?There is no such thing.( seriously i mean no offense to the religions).
you read it right, there is no heaven  and no hell.Its just a system you know , when you die their is an after life of course but what happens is that you get transferred to another planet.
If the citizens of that planet are kind and good then it is heaven whereas if they are mostly ugly and bad its hell.
No seriously if there is no E.T life then why build a secret agency which keeps secret information about the space?
No doubt they are trying to fool us.
But the hell with it , all of us are humans and we are the magic.


Regards -

The Anti Theory

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