Monday 8 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--Dreams ?


Yeah , I am on.
So, this all started back when I woke up today , weird right? Never mind . Now whatever the hell happened to me , I still don't know, but yes I need to find answers.
But what are the questions? Yeah , I saw a DREAM  that woke me up wondering and thinking about LIFE.

I have been having those kinda dreams lately , the 'unusual' ones which wake me up in the middle of the night.But what are these dreams.What are 'DREAMS'?
Dreams- huh wonderful word , but a complex meaning. I am a thinking guy, so I decided to finally know what dreams are ? irrespective of their meanings given in books, internet , just so you know to satisfy myself . But what did I found out ? the same answers? or the reality? huh .

I found out something else.

'Interesting' was the first word that came out of my mouth when i thought about this.But, what the hell , I will just explain it to you , but beware , after reading this theory of mine don't think that its just another theory! Think about it peacefully, give it some time you know-

Dreams? Fancy name !
I will sound like i copied everything from the movie 'inception'(nice movie btw) but to be honest , the movie itself  provided me with some answers that i was looking for.

Story of a random person(XYZ)-

1."Okay i will set my alarm for 7:00 AM ".
 2. "My alarm rang ,i stopped it, then again decided to sleep for like 5 more mins."
3."I woke up thinking that it would be near 7:05 but guess what its already 9:00!!"
4. Time to look for another job.

Now what just happened ?

Read the 2 nd and the 3 rd point again.
Normal right? WRONG!!....its actually weird . I thought i slept for like 5 mins but i woke up after nearly 2 hours, how did this happen?
Bam! Here is what happened, (read carefully) the person XYZ
                                     T I M E                     T R A V E L L E D.
I am crazy right? or is it just too obvious?
You do know what im trying to say don' t you?
but let me just explain-
Ever wondered why dreams progress so slowly? I mean the thing you are doing or the task you are performing takes ages and by the time you finish doing it you wake up. Now why this lag?

Because of time lapse!

Dreams are 'a'  source to TIME TRAVEL ,mark my words ..they are.
When you fall asleep your brain lets to visualizes things which look familiar to you but dont have any meaning.
In reality when you are sleeping, the time passes normally, but when you time lapse which in this case is sleep .....the time passes lowly....Theory Of Relativity? anyone?

Understand it like this -[everybody time travels] yes you too....and its free of cost!
'Time' when Time travelling progresses slowly depending upon the environment in which you are sleeping. You wont time lapse good if you are sleeping in the forest on a cold day. You will time lapse good if you are sleeping in your bedroom with the heater on.
In dreams time travels slowly as compared to the normal time . Now, i have done researches , surveys etc.etc. and what i came to know is that sometimes...just sometimes my friends ....while in reality , at that exact moment , the same environment, the same person, you will know what exactly is going to happen next. Ponder over this statement for a while, i am sure i am not wrong!

Because you saw it coming!You experienced the same thing twice in your life  and at that particular only,but how ? Of course you dreamt it !!


Q. So can we control time?

We cannot control time.Time is like an 'infinity loop'

Q. Well,can we change our future or our past then?

Its hurting , but its the truth.WE CANNOT CHANGE OUR PAST , NOR OUR FUTURE.


Yes we can only know what is going to happen next.However there is one thing we can do.
I have not seen the future but I can say that when we build a device to record our dreams successfully,then only we have a chance to make time travel easier.




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