Monday 22 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--The Beginning (Part 2).

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are !"

So, what have we believed so far? That the dinosaurs died because of a meteor crash?
Nice story! But on a serious note ,do you actually believe that it happened?
Ever wondered, why humans were always scared of the dinosaurs? why the dinosaurs (the remaining ones) were always ready to kill us? why did all the *ancient* living beings of that period got extinct so suddenly?
Well, there seems to be only one logical answer-
Wait who invaded whom? Am I crazy ?
"Life is movement"
Okay, so I simply have a crazy yet believable theory about this.
We are the creation of our 'Gods'. So, what if our 'Gods' one day went on to search a home for us?
What if they found Earth as the most suitable place to live for us and invaded it so that we could live in peace ? The irony being that today us humans are trying so hard to kill ourselves only.

Well , the result of that invasion is before your eyes now. We have successfully established our colony on Earth and are prospering and living life to the fullest. This is how actually our span began."The beginning of a new life".

Think about it , doesn't this theory answers all your questions? WE ARE THE ALIENS!!!
Yeah now I get why we worship our 'God' when we are stuck in a bad situation.

So, all in all the dinosaurs were not evil.No not at all.They were just the inhabitants of this planet, or "the rightful heirs" otherwise.

So, who was the real Evil then !!?
- Us.


The Anti Theory.

Friday 19 December 2014


"What is the greatest invention ever?", I asked
"Humans" , was the reply.

'Gods' have always been on our side.They are always there for us, to help us in difficult situations.
They are also surprisingly the main reason why we are still advancing , be it science, technology or anything else.
But how do they do it?How do they help us ? Take a deep breath and think.

From the beginning they have been helping us.They have been showing us the way to success,but, not directly.

Like any other creator,our 'Gods' want us to evolve and become more and more sensible and advanced. But, really ever thought about how did this 'advancing' of ours began?
The only logical answer is "through messengers".
"I can't do it,I just can't. It is impossible!"
"What? Is it impossible to make them stay on a ball of rock floating in the space?"
Who are these so called 'messengers'? Are they aliens? Do they live among us , with us? Are they still here?
No, these messengers are not aliens,they are humans just like us.
Who are they? They are the most creative and innovative people.They are 'one step closer to 'God' than us'.
Yes you read it right.These people are still living here with us on Earth , helping us to change the world and our mindset.
I have found some of them but I still am not sure whether they are really the 'messengers'.
It is easy,think of what Newton did ( Defined 'gravity').It is because of his theories only that we can fly in outer space and around the world.
The most popular example of all- the great Albert Einstein.Think about what he accomplished and provided knowledge to mankind.
Yeah, they are the ' messengers ',you are starting to believe me now, aren't you. Well there are many more great examples of these 'messengers' , just think of one yourself.

Q. So, are these 'messengers' sent by 'God' specially?
Yes Indeed.
"We need to burn them alive!So that these humans can survive!"
"How can we burn them?!"
"There is only one way. Invade their home."

Q. Do these 'messengers' still exist?
Yes they still exist.

Q. Do we know them?
Yes , actually we do.

So,what actually is happening,is that,these 'messengers' are sent to give us humans a way, a way that leads to more possibilities.Possibilities that can change the course of our world.

'No wonder why there is a famous saying "Change yourself first ,if you want to see that change in the world"'.  


The Anti Theory.

Thursday 18 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--The Beginning (PART- 1) ?

"But I have proofs!"
"Maybe its just your imagination"
"Maybe you are my imagination".

I am not mad or something.Its just that I like to share what I think,I like listening to people,knowing them etc. which by the way helps me to think more and more.

Just read the above line again and think, how can I transmit my knowledge to you via these words?
I mean who even invented the language?
Let us go back in time , where we humans first met each other.How did we communicate?
through hands and drawings? maybe,through writing and speaking? probably not.

So did we learn to read and write,to speak and to understand?Was it magic that made it possible for a majority of people to learn a particular language? Was there one specific person who was born with the ability to read and write? If yes then how did he made the others understand him?How?

"fjkdhak iwj  ihsaah uwnsai " yes this has a meaning, but can you understand it? No ?
Now, think how can one human soul can make others understand his alphabets,writings etc etc.
"Its like teaching an animal".
So really, what do you think?
Q. Was there some one else to help us ?
- Definitely Yes.
" They knew everything.The Egyptians knew everything! ".
So , who was it?Another human?An animal?
Well it was he who created us.It was our 'God'.
Take a deep breath.Think about it.

I read a poem once.
It said that the humans actually invented "cooking" through an accident.
The early men that time ate the raw food.After they invented fire, which they thought was dangerous but later learnt that it kept that warm,they started to sit around it at nights to drive the wild animals away and to stay warm.
So, one night this small little boy started to play with his food.He accidently dropped it in the fire.
Now,the scolding session began but guess what! When his father took out that "burnt" food and tasted it to check whether it was 'eatable' , he found out that surprisingly the food tasted even better!

I liked that poem, it gave me enough resources and reasons. And I believe it logically.
" You are a liar. You foolish boy!"
"Don't you get it?! I did that to find something.Something that none of you have yet been able to find out"
So, basically what I am trying to say is:
Some one has been helping us all this long.Some one is out there looking after us,watching us,waiting for us to make a mistake.
Its just a matter of time before we find who that ' some one ' is.

The Anti Theory.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--Gods! ( Special )

" You think you know me?"
" I am your imagination. Always will be."


We love our Gods don't we? Irrespective of our religions .
But what do we actually know about them?
Yeah I know you know a lot.   BUT
How? By reading  or listening the religious books?
Ever thought who wrote them?
Yeah that is right. All your life you have been told and read "Stories" about them.(No Offense).

In doubt? Don't worry just keep on reading.

So what actually are out Gods? Are they a 'myth' or are they 'real'.Do they still exist ? If yes then where? Soo many questions and no one to answer!
I spent a lot of time trying to search for the answers,read newspapers ,articles, clippings etc. etc.
and what i found was simply AMAZING!

1.Our Gods are not magical.No they cannot do magic.
2.They are real , not mythical.
3.Some of us know where they are.(  Yes you read it right ).
4.Who are they?
The Nasca Lines, The ancient aeroplanes , The Maya civilization , The 'Ubaid Lizard Men' etc.what do they symbolize?! What are they trying to tell us? What do they depict? Are they some sort of signs?
Well yes. Our Gods are nothing but ' ALIENS '.
' Advanced Aliens ' which are more powerful and more bigger in size than us. Think of it as- like we are there robots. Us humans can do everything , think of just what might our creators can do?

The things that they can do are normal to them but magical to us!
They only created our Earth.Like- like a science project.Ever wondered why do we live on a solid floating rock , which magically contains water and holds all of us together through another magic which we call 'gravity'.
Just think about it. Yes , indeed they are aliens. Some of them must have seen them! that is why there are signs!
Our 'Gods' visit our planet frequently.Yes, they do,but in a different form ( magic right?! Nope that is there 'technology') .
Through years they have been visiting us , hence " the lizard men" ,the "aeroplanes" but as we grew up, became more logical and started to communicate they stopped coming.

Actually No. They themselves stopped coming to Earth but instead sent their 'messengers' .
(Don't worry i will write a whole new blog on these 'messengers') , but yes they are real and they are keeping a close watch on us !

So where do they live?
A straight question right?
Well here is a straight answer.
Ever noticed something peculiar in the sky? I know everything is peculiar there, but seriously , ever noticed
                                                         " THE THREE STARS "

Just like this       -                                           *

According to research the mayan civilization knew our gods! They were probably the first ones to depict them through pictures.
In fact they tried to built  their homes  in a similar pattern as that of that creators.Check out the GUATEMALA  map .

They built their homes in that triangle pattern only.Wait so ?
Yes! absolutely right!
Their is a huge possibility that "Our Gods live on those stars".
But its quite impossible for us to reach there. We are not that advanced.


So, are we really alone? No. We are not.Our Gods too are normal beings.They are mortal (naturally) but it is possible that they are too advanced to die!

Our encounter with the 'GODS'--It will not happen at the next moment ,maybe never will,but we are 'smart' race . If we keep enhancing ourselves , keep hoping , keep dreaming and implementing, then surely one day we are gonna travel those light years and reach the home of our GODS.

"Who am I ?"
" I am and will always be your imagination".



The Anti Theory.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--Space Agencies?

No, I am not criticizing anything or anyone. I am just sharing what I have found.


'Curosity' - the NASA 's rover sent to mars just snapped a click of a crater in which there is an actual ancient lake!
Its very nice of them to tell us this bit of harmless information.Trust me it is harmless and just like any television series they give us a hope to ponder over the future.
Its just like a boost or a shot given to us ,to remind us that yeah there is a space agency called NASA which has  sent a rover on to the planet Mars which ofcourse is a big deal .
Why do they do this? Have you ever heard from a Russian Space Agency about a discovery or something?
Just like an adrenalin boost you know.
So, anyways i would like to come straight to the point.
Q. Have we humans have come across something extraterrestrial  ?
- Yes.
How can i say that?.Well just think about it.Read from the start again.....yeah it sure has something to do with agencies like NASA etc.

                                               S E C T O R                               S E V E N

(HIDEOUS) What is sector seven?Well its something that we aren't supposed to know . Google it, you will find only LIMITED answers.
If you are looking for all of the answers ,sector seven is the first place that will not only give you a good start but will also complete half of your answer book.
Now, what i have found out is that yes 'aliens' do exist. WE ARE NOT ALONE.I know you may have heard this several times and may even know it but seriously ;we are not alone .
Q. Now, who else is there out there? Monsters ( Like alien typos.. you know)?
- NO.

Whats out there is a magic. Something which can change the history and geography of its planet....someone.. like US.(we are the magic)

What i am trying to say is that all the things (aliens)you may have watched on T.V. may be there out there but most probably if you ever have an encounter with an alien ,it would be most likely a human!

I am not crazy!
Heaven and Hell?There is no such thing.( seriously i mean no offense to the religions).
you read it right, there is no heaven  and no hell.Its just a system you know , when you die their is an after life of course but what happens is that you get transferred to another planet.
If the citizens of that planet are kind and good then it is heaven whereas if they are mostly ugly and bad its hell.
No seriously if there is no E.T life then why build a secret agency which keeps secret information about the space?
No doubt they are trying to fool us.
But the hell with it , all of us are humans and we are the magic.


Regards -

The Anti Theory

Monday 8 December 2014

TheAntiTheory--Dreams ?


Yeah , I am on.
So, this all started back when I woke up today , weird right? Never mind . Now whatever the hell happened to me , I still don't know, but yes I need to find answers.
But what are the questions? Yeah , I saw a DREAM  that woke me up wondering and thinking about LIFE.

I have been having those kinda dreams lately , the 'unusual' ones which wake me up in the middle of the night.But what are these dreams.What are 'DREAMS'?
Dreams- huh wonderful word , but a complex meaning. I am a thinking guy, so I decided to finally know what dreams are ? irrespective of their meanings given in books, internet , just so you know to satisfy myself . But what did I found out ? the same answers? or the reality? huh .

I found out something else.

'Interesting' was the first word that came out of my mouth when i thought about this.But, what the hell , I will just explain it to you , but beware , after reading this theory of mine don't think that its just another theory! Think about it peacefully, give it some time you know-

Dreams? Fancy name !
I will sound like i copied everything from the movie 'inception'(nice movie btw) but to be honest , the movie itself  provided me with some answers that i was looking for.

Story of a random person(XYZ)-

1."Okay i will set my alarm for 7:00 AM ".
 2. "My alarm rang ,i stopped it, then again decided to sleep for like 5 more mins."
3."I woke up thinking that it would be near 7:05 but guess what its already 9:00!!"
4. Time to look for another job.

Now what just happened ?

Read the 2 nd and the 3 rd point again.
Normal right? WRONG!!....its actually weird . I thought i slept for like 5 mins but i woke up after nearly 2 hours, how did this happen?
Bam! Here is what happened, (read carefully) the person XYZ
                                     T I M E                     T R A V E L L E D.
I am crazy right? or is it just too obvious?
You do know what im trying to say don' t you?
but let me just explain-
Ever wondered why dreams progress so slowly? I mean the thing you are doing or the task you are performing takes ages and by the time you finish doing it you wake up. Now why this lag?

Because of time lapse!

Dreams are 'a'  source to TIME TRAVEL ,mark my words ..they are.
When you fall asleep your brain lets to visualizes things which look familiar to you but dont have any meaning.
In reality when you are sleeping, the time passes normally, but when you time lapse which in this case is sleep .....the time passes lowly....Theory Of Relativity? anyone?

Understand it like this -[everybody time travels] yes you too....and its free of cost!
'Time' when Time travelling progresses slowly depending upon the environment in which you are sleeping. You wont time lapse good if you are sleeping in the forest on a cold day. You will time lapse good if you are sleeping in your bedroom with the heater on.
In dreams time travels slowly as compared to the normal time . Now, i have done researches , surveys etc.etc. and what i came to know is that sometimes...just sometimes my friends ....while in reality , at that exact moment , the same environment, the same person, you will know what exactly is going to happen next. Ponder over this statement for a while, i am sure i am not wrong!

Because you saw it coming!You experienced the same thing twice in your life  and at that particular only,but how ? Of course you dreamt it !!


Q. So can we control time?

We cannot control time.Time is like an 'infinity loop'

Q. Well,can we change our future or our past then?

Its hurting , but its the truth.WE CANNOT CHANGE OUR PAST , NOR OUR FUTURE.


Yes we can only know what is going to happen next.However there is one thing we can do.
I have not seen the future but I can say that when we build a device to record our dreams successfully,then only we have a chance to make time travel easier.


